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YJP Social
Ignite with light and join us for a few lechayims, falafel and to make a Shabbos mitzvah in solidarity for Israel THIS FRIDAY night!
Heading to the rally? Cruise down to YJP H/Q straight after for a nosh and sip.
No cost. RSVP for catering. Spread the word, come one, come all!
Lechayim Club - Solidarity with Israel Edition
Ignite with light and join us for a few lechayims, falafel and to make a Shabbos mitzvah in solidarity for Israel THIS FRIDAY night!
Heading to the rally? Cruise down to YJP H/Q straight after for a nosh and sip.
No cost. RSVP for catering. Spread the word, come one, come all!
Friday 13 October 2023
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